( 1:59 PM ) Portia
It's one of those "ummm" days. I'm not particularly enthused about anything since my weekend plans haven't been confirmed. But I'm also not particularly disgruntled about any aspect of my day/life/whatever. I want to leave work and wash my car. What kind of shit is that? I'm not big on car-washing..(ask anyone who knows me!) So that's kind of a red flag. Hmmm.We have some new people at work..there's this one asshead that sits across from me that is SOOO obnoxiously social. HE blatantly kisses ass (when it's not necessary since there's a loooong line to the front of the promotion table! Haha.) And he pays too much attention to what's on my monitor and what' I'm eating and blah, blah, blah. Yesterday, I got the, 'buffet to go," from one of my favorite Chinese food restaurants. Now I'm not usually an eggroll kind of girl, but this place has bomb ass eggrolls. So I get back with my big thing of food, and big boy is like, "now I know you're gonna give me a bite." What?!? Now first of all, just the sheer concept of this fat ass guy I don't even know BITING anything of mine is nauseating. And then throw in the, "I know you're gonna..." at the beginning makes me like, "hold on bitch." (Pardon my latin!) So since he rolled his chair over to my cube and is inhaling and exhaling on my food (I'm suprised he didn't do that thing where people poke your food and say, "you didn't want that did you?") I painstakingly give him half of my eggroll. Another thing. I usually make a habit of eating at my desk because I'm not always into that fresh air ish unless I'm fishing, so to communicate that I'm on a break or busy, I turn my back to the walkway. Old boy keeps talking to me still. It's like ummmm...LEAVE ME ALONE! So I need to think of a way to not have to move from my beautiful cube with the lakefront view (I have 1 big wall, and the rest are kind of low so I can see the retention pond..err..lake. ) But yeah, I shall not be moved, so I need to find a way to get his ass to another part of the office...grrr.